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Academic Honesty

The Purple Team uses guidelines for and definitions of academic misconduct designed by the Connecticut State University System and published in the student handbook as shown below.

Cheating may take many forms. It includes, but is not limited to, the following actions, unless explicitly authorized by the instructor:

Improper Behavior:

  • Acquisition or distribution of improperly acquired examinations; e.g., stealing examinations before the test period or taking a copy of an examination from a testing room without the permission of the instructor; (Examinations which have been distributed by an instructor are considered public domain and are legitimate study tools);
  • Submission of another's material as one's own for academic evaluation;
  • Preparation of work for another student to submit for academic evaluation;
  • Unauthorized collaboration in the preparation of materials to be submitted for academic evaluation; e.g., working with another student on an assignment when the instructor has not authorized working together;
  • Submission of the same work, or substantially similar work, in more than one course without prior consent of the evaluating instructor(s);


  • Copying from another person's paper or receiving unauthorized aid from another person during an examination;
  • Use of unauthorized materials or devices during an examination or any other form of academic evaluation and grading; e.g., use of signals, notes, books, or calculators during an examination when the instructor has not approved their use;
  • Knowingly allowing another person to copy from one's paper during an examination;


Copying sentences, phrases, paragraphs, tables, figures or data directly or in slightly modified form from a book, article, or other academic source without using quotation marks or giving proper acknowledgment to the original author or source.

  • Copying information from internet websites and submitting it as one's own work;
  • Buying papers for the purpose of turning them in as one's own work;
  • Selling or lending of papers for the purpose of violating academic honesty policies