The middle school art program is exploratory, stressing both the process and the end product. Positive values are stressed in the art program, with process given equal importance as result. The product of an honest artistic effort always has great value to its creator. All students should have an equal opportunity for artistic development.
This course meets on a three-day rotation throughout the year and students earn a grade as part of the evaluation process. The work of each student is evaluated according to his own skills and abilities by the teacher using the current rubric. Along with grades on final projects, students will be graded on their daily process in class. These points should reflect how the student is developing throughout the assignment and if he is grasping the project’s objectives.
The grading criteria is as followed: the projects are worth 25 points and the daily process grade is worth 3 points. The project points equal out to be approximately 60% of the student's final grade, while the process points make up the remaining 40%. These percentages are dependent on how many projects are completed per term. Please refer to the current rubrics located on the website for a more detailed explanation of each project.
All students in grades six to eight explore six units, each on:
3-D Design
World Cultures
Art History
Units covered over the student’s three-year career at DePaolo are built on and explored in a more comprehensive way as each year passes. Although each unit is repeated every year, students are expected to achieve mastery of each concept by the end of eighth grade. The middle school art program strives to promote a safe, challenging and positive outlet for all students. Understanding the mastery of art skills is a continual process rather than a finite one.
If you have any questions regarding the art program you can always contact your student’s art teacher:
(click here to send an email)