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Back to School Supplies

The following supplies are recommended by our teachers for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.

More specific information will be given by individual teachers.


Grade 6 list

Grade 7 list

Grade 8 list

The Board of Education annually provides supplies necessary for your students to be successful in school. However, there are some suggested school supply items that will assist your student not only in school but in completing assignments at home as well. Our teachers have generated the above list of items that would be helpful during the next school year.

We understand that providing the above items may be a financial burden for some. Therefore, please know that every public school has its own “Cares Program” to assist families in need. Contact may be made to each school’s administration for further information. Additionally, the Town of Southington has, through the Community Service Department, available assistance. Please contact the Community Service Department at 860-628-3761 for more information.