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Daily Announcements

Friday, September 13, 2024



Attention All Students & STAFF

    • Mr. Palmieri would like to encourage all students to take part in our Leadership Program.  In past years over 400 students were trained in leadership skills and each and every one of those students took a leadership role during the course of the year. There are a wide variety of activities available for students. To start, students taking part will attend a Saturday morning training session at Camp Sloper by YMCA staff on September 21 from 8:30 AM until 12:45 PM, during which time students will be trained in communication, team-building and leadership. The training is different from year to year and is a great way to meet new friends. 
    • The cost for this training is $14, but please see Mr. Palmieri if this is an issue with anyone.  After the training all members of the Leadership Program will be matched with a club based on their interest. If you are interested, please fill out the application and return it to the office.
    • Make it ORANGE and make it end! Wednesday, October 16th is Unity Day.  A day visibly showing DePaolo believes we are united in showing kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. We will be asking the whole school to wear orange on this day.  We do have orange DePaolo BE UNITED shirts available for student purchase (adult sizes S-XL).  They will be available for purchase at open house on Wednesday, September 11th and in the school counseling office during the first two weeks of October.  The cost of the shirt is $10. Any questions please feel free to contact Ms. Steinnagel in the school counseling office.
    • The Southington Public School System is partnering with the Southington Community Services (SCS) during the month of September. Donation boxes are located in the Main Lobby. Please consider donating new or gently used warm hats, waterproof gloves, and scarfs in both children and adult sizes.
    • This year (2024-2025) the State of Connecticut is providing all students who are qualified for free or reduced priced meals with one free breakfast and lunch per day. All students who are classified as paid students will be charged for breakfast and lunch.

    • 2024-2025 Meal Pricing
      • Middle School Breakfast: $2.50
      • Middle School Lunch: $3.75
    • Please visit the below SPS website for more information


All DePaolo Middle School students will have the opportunity to volunteer at Alex’s Lemonade Stand during the Southington Apple Harvest Festival! There are some spots for parents too! The dates for the festival are October 4th through October 6th and October 11th through October 13th, 2024. This will be our 19th year hosting Alex’s Lemonade Stand! Over the years, DePaolo Middle School students have raised over $130,000 in donations to help find a cure for pediatric cancer.

Before signing up your child to volunteer at the stand, please read the following information:

  • Please click on the Link provided below to sign up:
  • Parents will submit the following information:
    •  Student’s first and last name and Student’s cell phone number
    •  Parent’s first and last name and Parent’s cell phone number
    •  Parent’s email address (not student’s email address) 
    • Emergency contact first and last name with cell phone number
  •  After registration is completed, parents will receive a confirmation email.
  •  Completing the Sign-Up registration signifies you are giving your child permission to participate. 
  • Parents should sign up their child for only one slot.
  •  Parents may also sign-up to be a volunteer at the stand (using the same link). We would appreciate your assistance! 
  • There will be 15 slots available for students and 3 slots available for adults at each shift. Slots are available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If you need to cancel your child’s shift, you may cancel using the same link.
  • Our booth is located on the corner of Main Street and Riccio Way, across from the Apple Fritter Booth.
  •  Alex’s Lemonade Stand participants should be dressed appropriately for the weather. 
  • Parents must bring their children to the stand to drop them off and to pick them up. 
  • We will provide Alex’s Lemonade Stand t-shirts for each DePaolo student that volunteers for a shift at the booth. A suggested donation of $10.00 would be appreciated to cover the cost of the t-shirts. Please return the $10 in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, grade, and homeroom and I will get them the shirt in advance of the festival. 
  • In the event of inclement weather, please refer to the Apple Harvest Festival website for cancellation or festival delay notices. 
  • Students may also collect their own donations for Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Please see the attached “Student Collection Challenge” document for more information on the ParentSquare email. 
  •  If you have any questions, please email me. Thank you DePaolo parents and students for supporting this important fundraiser for Alex’s Lemonade Stand.

With appreciation,

Chris Palmieri


    • DePaolo's First Lego League Robotics team (for returning members only) should report to room 231 after school until 3:45pm every Monday and Thursday until our competition in November. 
    • The first meeting will be on Wednesday 9/18 in the Library. Please have rides ready promptly at 3:30pm.
    • The Asset Building Classroom (ABC/Steps) club is gearing up to make DePaolo a positive place and looking to have a lot of fun with different activities throughout the year. You will receive a CANVAS message from your school counselor with a link to the Google Form to complete if you want to join.  ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN!  
    • The first meeting of the ABC/STEPS club will be on Thursday, September 19th from 2:45-3:15 pm in the media center. We cannot wait to see you on the 19th and WE ARE IN to making this a year to remember!
    • Interested in the Stock Market? Want to try your hand at investing $100,000? Come to an informational meeting on Monday, 9/23 to learn about the JAD Stock Market Club. All meetings will be on Mondays. Please have rides ready for 3:15pm.

Attention 8th Grade Students

You are encouraged to review Mrs. Roman's canvas page regularly for information pertaining to 8th grade programs and activities.

JAD Fall Sports

    • Please refer to Coach Dietz's parent emails for practice and meet information.
    • Please refer to Coach Laudati's parent emails for practice and meet information.
    • Please refer to Coach Jardine's parent emails for practice and meet information.
    • Please refer to Coach Lombardi's parent emails for practice and meet information.

**Please make sure to register in Family ID for all sports and that a current physical is on file with the nurse**


Lunch Menu

Cheese pizza or buffalo chicken pizza and garden salad with ranch dressing

Quote of the Day

"The harder you work the luckier you get.” Ben Franklin