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Principal's Update

DePaolo families,

I hope you are all looking forward to the Festival this weekend.  

Here is this week’s update.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand at the Apple Harvest

If you are at the Apple Harvest Festival this weekend, please be sure to stop by our booth and support our students.  We are located at the corner of Main Street and Riccio Way.  

We still need some help for some of the scheduled shifts.  PLEASE encourage your son/daughter to volunteer if they can to assist us!  

Registration is still open to any interested student through the online link available in the Volunteer Information attachment.  It really is a great experience for our students.    

Students may also still participate in the Alex's Lemonade Stand Student Collection Challenge.  See attached for more information.

We will still be selling our ALS school T-shirts for $10 at the festival or at school next week.

Leadership Program:

Some students began receiving their Leadership Program permission slips this week.  PLEASE help us by returning those ASAP.  

Apple Harvest:

I hope all our students enjoy themselves and stay SAFE this weekend if attending the Apple Harvest.  Please help us by asking your son/daughter not to get involved should there be any drama.   Just a reminder that any incidents that happen over the weekend and carry over into school can result in disciplinary consequences. 


Picture Day:

Art Rich Photography will be here next Friday, October 11.  Flyers were sent home with students on Monday, but a copy is attached for your convenience.  We will also have extra copies available in the main office.  


Digital Citizenship:

See this link for a document to build awareness of student’s digital footprint and social media:  Middle School Digital Citizenship

Grade 8 US History:

All 8th grade students were busy creating their own inventions last week after learning about the impact of new inventions during the Industrial Revolution.     


All grade 7 & 8 students will have an assembly next Thursday.  See below for more information.  


The annual Dig Pink Volleyball game will be Wednesday after school.  


Technical School Open House:

  • Wilcox Tech Open House- November 20th 5:30-7:30 PM at Wilcox Tech 
  • Goodwin Tech Open House- November 14th 5:00-7:00 PM at Goodwin Tech  
  • See attached flyer for more information


Agricultural Science:

Attention 8th graders interested in the Southington High School Agriculture Science and Technology Program.  The window for applying to the Southington Regional Agriculture Program began on September 15th and extends until December 15th when complete application packets are due. See the link below for further information.


Save the Date:


Thank you to everyone that already signed up for membership to our PTO.   If you have not done so already, please see attached for information about our PTO membership drive.  If paying by check, please make checks payable to JAD PTO.


Tools for Schools:

Price Chopper is proud to support local schools through the Tools for Schools program.  Each time you shop at Price Chopper, using your enrolled AdvantEdge Card, JAD will earn points!  We can then use these points to buy supplies for our school.  

To enroll your AdvantEdge Card, please use the following:

If you do not currently have a Price Chopper AdvantEdge Card, you can sign up for one at any Price Chopper or visit their website at The 2024-2025 Program runs from August 18, 2024 through February 15, 2025.


Again, I hope this information is helpful and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  The weather looks great!